sketches while kayaking
I'm out in my kayak exploring Ontario's beautiful waterways again. While stopped for lunch I have been pulling out my little sketch book...
I'm a story teller in paint instead of words. My work expresses my emotions and spirituality. In sharing some of it with you I become vulnerable, human and "right-sized". I'd like my work to touch your soul and energise your love of life.
I'm a Scot and a Canadian who's proud to call Canada home. I'm a painter
and printmaker with degrees and diplomas in art, psychology, business, music and Montessori teaching. A creator, a lover of life, a mother, grandmother and a friend. I've been making a living making art for over 40 years. My prints and big paintings are in private and corporate collections, movies, ads and in your homes - what more could I ask? (If you don't have a "Sandy Brand" of your own yet check out my Gallery!)
My students think I may be contagious. Their creativity is leading them to become ecstatic over things like a neat crack in the sidewalk, or a space between the branches in a tree ... I'm glad. Please give me a call if you have any questions or would like to see my work here. There's no such thing as a silly question.
Some of the collections I have paintings in are: Apple Canada, Ciba Geigy,
Du Pont Pharma, Drs. C. & R. Paton, Paris, France, E.M.I. (Records), Financial Times of Canada, George Wimpey Canada, D. Metcalfe & Partner, Toronto, Minicom Data Corporation Ltd., Mobile Oil Canada (Calgary), North York Hydro, Proctor & Gamble, Royal Bank, Royal Trust, Sanctuaire de Montreal, Secretary of State Office, Ottawa, Sony of Canada Ltd., Texaco, Tridel Corp., York Trillium Development and Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo.
will be on a Sunday tba
from 1.30-4 pm
in my Studio, $35.
Please call me to book your spot (705-817-2950)
there will be a maximum of 4 students
so I can spend lots of time with each person.
Matthews House Hospice South Simcoe Arts Council, Alliston
in Alliston has loads of my paintings on their walls.
The McLaren Art Centre, Barrie
Are showing one of my paintings in their foyer soon. It is also available in their art rental program.